The Internet CEO - Getting Free Traffic To Get To The TOP Of The Search Engines
Depending on the keywords you use and how competitive your keywords are, it is really not that hard to get to the top of the search engines. A lot of people who are just starting out in internet marketing do not realize that you can get to the very top simply by having a substantial amount of backlinks going back to your site. Building one way backlinks is not really that hard but it does take some time and a little bit of money. One of the best ways to get "free traffic" without the search engines would be by submitting articles to key directories. Since I have built an independent internet business solely from networking with other independent online companies, I try to push independence as the best way to build a business. If you can build a business through being independent, you will build equity and when someone offers you big money, you will not only know your websites value but you will know what to expect as an online business owner.
As an internet business owners, we must never lean on the search engines as the sole source for getting traffic. The reason I say this is because, if the search engines was to change something in their algorithms or simply didn't like something about your site, etc, this would instantly as well as dramtically affect your rankings! Never, ever, ever, depend on them for your primary traffic source! Utilize other ways, tools and resources to get your traffic soaring. Get traffic from forums and other websites as well as building a list, and creating updates through blogging. Do not place all your bets on one website, one mode of traffic, one mode of traffic, one mode of income, or one source of income. Diversifying your portfolio is your best bet into getting all the free traffic your website/websites can handle.
Remember this: There is only one way to get to the TOP of the search engines: backlinks, period. The more you know about what goes on and how the search engines rank websites, the better your chances are at getting to the very top and rank well for your chosen keywords. In my experience, I have learned that search engines rank web pages, not websites. This is important because you can optimize individual pages for different search terms, thus giving your website more points of entry and a greater chance of ranking. Also, by knowing how each search engine work, they will give you clues to various entry points to the first page of search results for any of your target terms.
For more information, ask The Internet CEO, Carael Knight here.